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  2. Invadatorii

Invadatorii(1994) Images

Invadatorii was released in the year 1994。Invadatorii is also called as The Puppet Masters, Varastetut ihmis, Uhka tuntemattomasta, Terrore della sesta luna, Robert A. Heinlein's The Puppet Masters, Puppet Masters - Bedrohung aus dem All, Maîtres du monde, Gospodarji lutk, Alguien mueve los hilos

Strange aliens land in the Midwest, taking over people's minds in order to spread their dominion. Sam Nivens (Eric Thal) and Andrew Nivens (Donald Sutherland), aided by Mary Sefton (Julie Warner), are part of a government agency who must stop the the aliens before the aliens get to them...

Invadatorii Actors and Actresses

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